
Residential and Commercial Site Plans

Land Development ProfessionalsLCJCWhen you’re requesting a permit to build on your property—whether you’re building from the ground up a house, commercial building, subdivision, or even just a room addition—the local governing jurisdiction will typically ask you to submit a site plan survey providing detailed information about the site where you plan to build, as well as the proposed improvements. At LDP, we have a thorough understanding of the specific requirements of local jurisdictions throughout the state, and we have the expertise to create an accurate site plan survey to meet or exceed those requirements.

When do You Need a Site Plan Survey?

As mentioned above, site plan surveys are most often requested to obtain building permits for property improvements. However, there are other reasons to obtain this survey besides just getting a permit. For example, if the site is on a flood plain, an engineer may need to look at a site plan in order to come up with a strategy for grading the land. A site plan survey can also serve as a measure for accuracy to make sure the building or addition is being built correctly. In short, anytime you are planning for some sort of improvement that interacts with the land, from add-ons to driveways to below-ground pools, a site plan survey may be a good idea, even if your local authorities do not require it.

Residential DevelopmentWhat a Site Plan Survey Entails

The level of detail in a site plan is usually determined by the governing jurisdiction for the site. LDP works closely with builders, architects, landscape architects and government officials to create a site plan that satisfies the property owner while conforming to the requirements of the governing jurisdiction. Standard site plans will show the existing and proposed improvements, topography, tree location, tree recompense, proposed grading, silt and tree fencing and lot coverage calculations. Many site plans mark the locations of utilities.

For more information about having a site plan survey conducted for your property, contact LDP today.

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